Directions to Graz and to St. Radegund here<

The location of Yeshe Sal Ling Bön center in St. Radegund bei Graz

The address of Yeshe Sal Ling Bön center is: Kurweg 2, 8061 St. Radegund bei Graz, Austria. The above map is slightly outdated. The bus stop "Postamt" has been renamed "Sankt Radegund Ort", and Gasthof Budapest is no longer in business as an inn (but still recognizable as a landmark).

Two potential sources of confusion:
1) Several other villages in Austria are called "St. Radegund". Make sure to include the postal code 8061 or the suffix "bei Graz" (near Graz) in any search.
2) Many satnavs get "Kurweg 2" wrong and show the nearby rehab clinic at this address. Open streetmap shows Yeshe Sal Ling correctly.
Consult the above map - click to enlarge - our center is on the small private road (marked with a signpost to "Kinderland" and a dead-end sign) that forks off from Schöcklstrasse at the (now out of business) Gasthof Budapest.

Sankt Radegund bei Graz is a resort village 15km north-northeast of Graz, easily accessible by public transportation: Bus line 250 from Graz Jakominiplatz gets you to Sankt Radegund in 40 minutes. It runs about once an hour from 6am to 8pm weekdays (but only from 7am to 7pm on weekends).

By public transportation: coming from Graz on bus 250, get off at the cable car station "Seilbahn Talstation" or at the next stop, "Reha Klinik". From each of these stops Yeshe Sal Ling is about 5min on foot, downhill. The last bus in the evening does not serve these stops and you have to get out at the center of St. Radegund (St. Radegund Ort) instead and walk uphill for about 10 minutes to get to Yeshe Sal Ling. (When you consult a map, note that St. Radegund is on the southern slope of a mountain: going north means going uphill.)

For details on bus 250 see under "directions".

By car from the center of St. Radegund (on the main road with town hall "Gemeindeamt", grocery store "Nah und Frisch", and the church) go north on the main road, uphill, in the direction of the cable car station (where the road forks, follow the direction to "Schöcklseilbahn" slightly to the left). After passing the fire station (on your right), but before you reach the cable car station, you turn left at the mirror (next to former Gasthof Budapest) taking the road - marked as a dead end - towards "Kinderland" and "Betreutes Wohnen".

By car from the cable car station (Seilbahn Talstation): go south, downhill, in the direction of the center of St. Radegund. At Gasthof Budapest, you want to turn right, but the road branches off at an impractical acute angle. Therefore, continue past Gasthof Budapest, make a U-turn on the parking lot next to the fire station and then approach Gasthof Budapest again from the south and turn left there, as described above.

The websites on Sankt Radegund bei Graz all seem to be in German:

In any case, St. Radegund bei Graz is situated at 750m altitude on the southern slope of Schöckl mountain (1445m) and has a mild climate (neither extremely cold in winter nor extremely hot in summer). In the immediate vicinity of the site of Yeshe Sal Ling there are many walks and hiking trails as well as a cable car to the top of Schöckl mountain.

Directions to Graz and to St. Radegund